ESO Update 45 Breakdown – Major Changes & Base Game Upgrades

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The developers of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online have taken to the official site to share the preview for Update 45, containing a number of base game improvements, including visually refreshed starter zones.

The developers of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online have taken to the official site to share the preview for Update 45, containing a number of base game improvements, including visually refreshed starter zones.

Update 45 will be coming to live servers on March 10 for PC/Mac and March 26 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Its release will bring something for everyone, from new players just making their first steps across Tamriel to ESO veterans.

As a part of developers’ ongoing commitment to keep ESO as modern and welcoming as possible, several zones have received a visual refresh to bring them up to more recent standards. These five updated zones – Bleakrock Isle, Bal Foyen, Stros M’kai, Betnikh, and Khenarthi’s Roost – have all received visual improvements and now benefit from the team’s long experience.

“The changes are primarily a cosmetic facelift for many assets in the world, using newer parts and tricks we’ve learned over the years since the initial game launch. Things like ground and water textures, grasses and flowers, lighting, and some small prop replacements,” says Principal World Builder Greg Barley. “Certain locations have updated structures, such as the docks or shipwrecks on Khenarthi’s Roost, for example.”

ESO – Update 45 QoL Changes Include:

    Improved Base Mount Speed – Mounts now start out noticeably faster than they did previously, while still ending up around the same final speed for most.
    Craft Champion Point Improvements – If you’ve reached level 50, you’ll notice some changes to the way the Craft constellation works.
    Tamriel Map Cleanup and Messaging – Update 45 also includes an effort from the UI team to make the continent map of Tamriel clearer and more usable. Clutter has been reduced, and zone names now appear on the map as you zoom in.
    Disguise Items Added to Collectibles – Many quests that featured a player disguise now grant that disguise as a permanent collectible among their completion rewards—no inventory space required!
    Mundus Stone Boon Visibility – The power granted by a Mundus Stone is a crucial element of many character builds, so the team has taken steps to better convey its value to new players. Additionally, the Mundus Stone Boon area of these screens now turns red if you reach level 20 without an active Boon to remind you to acquire one.

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